My first magic trick
Hello intersectional thinkers 👋
Greetings from Tokyo, where I performed a magic trick for the first time in my life.
It was a simple card trick where you picked a pair of Aces, I shuffled, and the Aces magically resurfaced.
My shuffling was gingerly. My magician banter was awkward at best. I thought at least one of in my audience of two would see through the magic.
But they didn’t.
Instead, they saw the pair of Aces pop out, looked up at me wide eyed, and exclaimed with happy disbelief!
They asked me how I did it.
But I didn’t want to say. And I think they didn’t really want to know.
Revealing the trick is like saying Santa Claus isn’t real. Even if we knew he’s made up (and I’m not saying he is, just posing the hypothetical if here), many of us are happier indulging in that fiction and willingly go above and beyond to pass on the story.
“Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions.” – David Hume
Do you believe in Santa Claus?